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High School 

In ninth grade, students begin to accrue Carnegie credit units toward graduation. In order to meet requirements for diplomas issued by high schools accredited in the State of Georgia, students receive numerical grades for their work, and school years are organized and referred to by year (i.e., ninth grade, tenth grade, etc.).

The Howard School High School students study a college preparatory curriculum in the context of small class sizes. Our school year is divided into two semesters, each 18 weeks long. As part of Semester 2, a two-week Minimester in January offers students the opportunity to take a variety of interest-driven courses.

Mathematics is offered through Calculus. Sciences include Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Space Science, and Environmental Science. Students may take up to three years of either Spanish or American Sign Language. Elective offerings include Film Studies, Yearbook and Journalism, Music, Art, and Drama. The Howard School offers multiple high school courses that meet the “rigor” standard for students with sufficient GPAs to be eligible for the HOPE Scholarship through the Georgia Student Finance Commission. See for more details.