Who Goes to The Howard School?
Howard School students possess average to superior cognitive skills and thrive when their “outside the box” thinking is allowed to blossom. They may have struggled in typical schools due to large class sizes, lack of teacher expertise, and the anxiety that comes from being “pulled for services.” Our highly-trained teachers, small class sizes, and individualized instruction empower students to reach their full potential and experience the success and self-confidence every child deserves.
We serve students with one or more of the following challenges:
Dyslexia: a brain-based learning difference that impacts one’s ability to read and spell
- Expressive language disorder: difficulty using language to express thoughts and feelings
- Receptive language disorder: trouble understanding the words one hears or reads
- Dysgraphia: a brain-based learning difference that impacts your ability to transfer thoughts and ideas into written language
- Dyscalculia: a brain-based learning difference that impacts one’s ability to understand number-based information and math
- Auditory processing disorder: a brain-based disorder that decreases a person’s ability to hear the small differences in words and sounds, resulting in reduced comprehension, delayed language acquisition, and difficulty keeping up with directions and information shared in the classroom
- Executive functioning (EF): time management, attention, planning and organizing, remembering details, multitasking (the skills that help people get things done)
- Attention deficit disorder (ADHD): an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development